More than 100 “signees” added their support in just a few short days to the first letter dated August 8th, and by the next week an addendum was submitted showing the number of names to have nearly doubled to over 200! Thanks especially to Councilwoman Cindy Allen, Mayor Robert Garcia, Councilwoman Suzie Price, and the entire Long Beach City Council.īPNA ASKS CITY COUNCIL TO CORRECT DISTRICT MAPS THAT DIVIDE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD The BPNA Board submitted this letter (click here) to the City Council thanking them and asking for ongoing support to further advance the progress of the BPNA’s grassroots, community-based initiative, the Bluff Park Historic Lamppost Project, with its broad-based support and value it brings to the entire city. This page is not meant to be a complete source of information, so please stay engaged and involved in the broader community and help us help you by keeping the BPNA aware.īPNA THANKS CITY COUNCIL FOR SUPPORTING EFFORTS OF THE BPNA’s BLUFF PARK HISTORIC LAMPPOST PROJECT This page features information, news, issues and initiatives impacting our neighborhood, the 3rd District, the city and other historic preservation organizations and neighborhoods in Long Beach, California. and Information Items (Staff)ĭate and time: Date and time: 02:00 pmLocation: ADA Access Advisory Committee - April 7, 2021Department: Building DivisionAgendaSelect 'download' to view agendaDate and time: 02:00 pmLocation: ADA Access Advisory Committee - April 7, 2021Department: Building DivisionAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaAgenda packetSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda PacketDate and time. Paratransit isĪvailable by calling Whistlestop. Next meeting of the ADA Access Advisory Committee - June 2, 2021 Select 'download' below to view the Agenda PacketDate and time: 02: 00 pm. packetSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda PacketDate and time: 02: 00. and time: 02: 00 pmLocation: ADA Access Advisory Committee - April 7, 2021Department. agendaDate and time: 02: 00 pmLocation: ADA Access Advisory Committee - April 7. Date and time: Date and time: 02: 00 pmLocation: ADA Access Advisory Committee. Join Virtual Meetingĭate and time: Date and time: 08:30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department: Economic DevelopmentDate and time: 08:30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department: Economic DevelopmentAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaDate and time: 08:30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department: Economic DevelopmentAgendaSelect 'download' below to. DevelopmentAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaDate and time: 2020-12- 10. Location: Economic Development Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department: Economic. 08: 30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department. Subcommittee - December 10, 2020Department: Economic DevelopmentDate and time: 2020-12- 10 08: 30 am. Date and time: Date and time: 2020-12- 10 08: 30 amLocation: Economic Development. "ĭate and time: Date and time: 06:00 pmLocation: Special Library Parcel Tax Committee – November 4, 2021Department: Library & RecreationAgendaSelect 'download' to view agendaAgenda packetSelect 'download' to view agenda packetDate and time: Date and time: 06:00 pmLocation: Special Library Parcel Tax Committee – November 4, 2021Department: Library & RecreationAgendaSelect 'download' to view agendaAgenda. Percentage for FY2020/ 2021 be included in the annual report for the City Council. Bankhead, Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City Librarian,

of FY 2020/ 2021 4th Quarter Annual Revenue and Expenditure Budget will be changed to $ 10,501 as that was the actual funding for FY2020/ 2021. – November 4, 2021Department: Library & RecreationAgendaSelect 'download. Committee – November 4, 2021Department: Library & RecreationAgendaSelect. : 06: 00 pmLocation: Special Library Parcel Tax Committee – Novem.

and time: Date and time: 06: 00 pmLocation: Special Library Parcel Tax Committee. Date and time: Date and time: 06: 00 pmLocation: Special Library Parcel Tax.