Crafting divinity original sin 2
Crafting divinity original sin 2

Despite the name, Lone Wolf actually lets you bring along one companion in addition to your main character while still retaining all the benefits of the talent. With Lone Wolf, each skill point is effectively doubled, which halves the amount of time for those skills to reach useful levels. However, this can be overcome by taking the Lone Wolf talent instead of Leech. It also takes several levels for the bonuses from Necromancer and Retribution to actually hit useful levels (starting at a measly 10% and 5% with only one point each at first level). With the Necromancer skill, your vitality only heals when dealing damage directly to enemy vitality, so any enemy with high physical / magical armour will prevent you from healing. In other words, just walking around getting damaged in combat lets you both kill and heal.

crafting divinity original sin 2

Every point in Necromancer means you automatically heal damage when you deal it, and each point in Reflection increases the amount of damage you automatically deal back to anyone who hits you. Your idea here is to always be healing yourself while reflecting damage back to the enemy. If you are mixing Necromancer and Warfare instead of straight necro, either Crippling Blow or Battle Stomp is the way to go. Mosquito Swarm is another one that both deals damage and heals. You may also want to invest in the Leech talent to automatically heal from blood sources if you aren't going the solo route. For your weapon, you probably want a big two-handed weapon that does the most base damage possible with devastating criticals.įrom the Necromancer side, you absolutely want the Bloodsucker ability, which lets you heal from the ever-present pools of blood on the ground. When you level up, place your combat points into Retribution. Put either two points into the Necromancer skill, or one in Necromancer and one in Warfare for the bonus damage. Rogue Assassin Build Solo Masochist Necromancer Build The game is also a good deal slower and more tense if you are always sneaking and having to pay attention to line-of-sight cones. You will generally have lower armour ratings, since you are focused on staying hidden, meaning that status effects will hit you more often. Getting items early that provide teleportation abilities will be a must so you have maximum mobility. So long as you pick skills that don't break stealth and you have a weapon that benefits from the high Finesse, you can essentially cheese your way through any combat by staying hidden and then quickly backstabbing or knocking an enemy unconscious before they react. Warfare isn't nearly as useful as you'd think, since many of the associated attacks aren't helpful for backstabbing and Scoundrel already gives you a bonus to Finesse-based attacks. The Polymorphing skill Chamelon Cloak gives you two turns of pure invisibility without breaking stealth. If you go for a secondary ability beyond Scoundrel, oddly enough Polymorphing can be helpful, since it lets you fly around and avoid terrain or remove all negative status effects quickly.

crafting divinity original sin 2

Throwing Knife and Backlash also lets you deal backstab damage, while Chloroform can knock out an enemy at the end of your turn without breaking stealth. On the skills, Adrenaline is a must for getting enough action points to kill with a backstab in one turn. For your ability points, you want to put your points into Scoundrel for the critical bonus, and of course Stealth for the sneaking. Don't discount Wits though, as you get a bonus to initiative and critical chance.

crafting divinity original sin 2

On the attribute side, Finesse is probably a better idea than Strength. With this build, you always want to be positioned behind an enemy for backstabbing and generally avoiding detection. With any of these builds, you could either co-op or even potentially solo your way through the game. In this guide, we're going to go over four epic Original Sin 2 builds with vastly different focuses, from a stealth assassin to a masochistic necromancer who revels in taking damage.

Crafting divinity original sin 2